Hi, welcome!
scroll down to learn more about how we work for you!
01. the pathway
book your obligation free 10-30min phone project strategy session with one of our senior team members
site visit, complete compliance review, guide you through your brief & undertake preliminary drawings
next, undertake a developed design and make a PIM application to council on your behalf
lastly, complete compliance drawings and submit to council for building and/or resource consent
02. our promise
money back guarantee
buy with total confidence
so what happens if you don't get a Building Consent?
a refund, that's what!
after following our process and advice, should the council say you definitely cannot gain a building consent for your project, we'll refund your Compliance Drawings Fees in full.*
Now that's "peace of mind"!
*t&c's apply

03. what our clients say
04. our story
Hi, my name's Micheal
(I'm a licensed building practitioner, author, proud husband & doting dad)
You're here because you're dreaming of an amazing design right? Something beautiful, whether a renovation, addition or a new build. But hold up, there is a villain hiding along your building journey, and that villain is BUREAUCRACY.
We believe it's every New Zealanders right to provide themselves shelter that is fit for them and the ones they love. But Bureaucracy is slowly wearing away at the foundation of your rights, by making the Building Consent process so incredibly complicated.
At The Drawing Room, we get it. We understand how frustrating councils can seem and how overwhelming the Bureaucratic process can be. We're here to guide you along the path to success.
With hundreds of building consents approved, we know how to navigate the oceans of Council, and we can help you do it too... get your building journey started; click the "learn how to get started" button below and we'll be your guides along your consenting journey...
06. contact
05. step one